What does 2014 mean to me?
Just another year, nothing more, nothing less!
sometime in the early 1990s i made a commitment to myself that if the end did not come in 2014 i was going to walk away.
then i started thinking - if i waited until 2014 i would be 57 years old with very few options.
that is when i realized that i needed to make changes to get my life back.
What does 2014 mean to me?
Just another year, nothing more, nothing less!
go to jw.org right now friends and you will see a young male jw witnessing in a rural setting with publication in hand and - take careful note - wearing a crisply-white open-neck shirt.
bring out the carnival, light the lights: the organ ization is kicking itself into an ongoing casualization of its rank and file.. in the 1960s through 1980s i know brothers who dared to attire themselves sans ties who were reprimanded or worse.
At least in Papua New Guinea they were practical about what "publishers" could wear while engaging in field service.
In the cities, nobody wore a tie while out in FS (although we did when attending meetings).
The missionaries, pioneers and local Witnesses working in the rural areas (which is where 85% of the poulation lives) were very often having to rough it in the bush. They were allowed to dress in a very practical manner for the conditions - and usually did so.
(Imagine slogging up the muddy Kokoda Track in smooth-soled shoes , let alone a three piece suit as well!)
i think it may have been in the mid '80s a new arrangement was started for the 2nd and 4th saturday of every calendar month.
they were designated "magazine days" and the idea was to place as many as possible with 30-60 second presentations.
personally i hated feeling like a magazine seller, i wanted to talk to people.. i think this, and the release of the "reasoning book" was the beginning of the end of jehovah's witnesses as evangelists..
They introduced those days as part of combatting the slump that happened post-1975:
- the idea being to get everybody out two Saturdays of the month hawking magazines, and also out on the first Sunday of the month, which was called "Family Day."
These ideas were only the thin end of the wedge, though. By the late 1980s, it was made plain that "Christians" would be out in service every weekend.
i could go on and on about my personal journey over the last 2 years or so, but i don't need to.
everything i needed to hear to finally lay my doubts to rest happened on one meeting night.
it could only be divine providence.
Ah, well, that is one way to gain attention!
the above will explain how so many awful people and organizations can look ok on internet searches.. when judging reviews on the internet, i always read the most negative first.
then, i ask myself, "is this opinion really a deal breaker?
There are a lot of internet scams operating out of Nigeria, similar to the one you just mentioned.
Another common internet scam is "Lottery" that "you have just won":
- only with one slight problem, it is going to cost you several thousand Euros to "release the prize." Goodbye, of course, to your several thousand Euros if you are fool enough to get sucked in!
Despite the prevalence of these two internet swindles, people still fall for them all the time.
a friend of mine recently had his co visit and in the elders meeting the co out-right asked the question: how are the friends doing in your cong.
as regards pursuing higher education?
the co continued...you know in view of all the counsel from the slave regarding the dangers.
No need to apologise - my thoughts exactly!
a friend of mine recently had his co visit and in the elders meeting the co out-right asked the question: how are the friends doing in your cong.
as regards pursuing higher education?
the co continued...you know in view of all the counsel from the slave regarding the dangers.
The WTBTS policy has changed considerably since 1992 .....
w92 11/1 pp. 19-20 pars. 16-17 Education With a Purpose ***
There was a brief period of respite in the early 1990s. It didn't last very long, though.
Oh the folly of letting the whims of eight old powerfreaks in NY make your decisions for you!
i've seldomly seen it happen.
they practically have to cheat on their wife or something before anything can be done.
the "brother" can act like a total dick, show favortism towards others (especially includes appointed certain brother they like as elder and ones they don't like they ignore them no matter how well they qualify), selectively enforce rules on certain ones and ignore them when their buddies are involved.
As long as the "Hours" column on his Monthly Field Service report form consistently reads 10 (or greater) , then he is fairly safe - no matter what.
A different matter, though, should it ever start to read less!
underlining is mine.. march 6, 2012 letter.
pursue divine education:some of our brothers are pursuing higher education, feeling that they can acquire a measure of financial security.
as you are aware, the educational system varies from country to country.
-As I have often stated under different circumstances: - it's nothing a plus of gelignite wouldn't fix!
so, harold camping has died at the age of 92. no more end of the world predictions from him.
he apparently went into hiding after his last predictions didn't come true..
I know that this is digressing a little , but that Wikipedia article on Armstrong makes no mention of any connection with the JWs?